Mapping Your Client's Journey Through Life's Milestones
Every client is a story of moments - goals that drive them, losses that define them, and celebrations that strengthen them, each with their unique dreams and aspirations. As a life and dreams planning tool, Merlin is here to help you guide your clients in managing and maximising their finances, so that they can afford each of their life dreams.
Every client has his dreams and aspirations, and most dreams have a financial component to them. To this end, sound financial advise involves comprehensive consideration of all financial objectives and profile of the individual synchronously, which is where Merlin is here to support you in providing clarity of their current situation to your clients, and how their past actions taken contribute towards their dreams.
Merlin will evaluate your client's numbers and establish his financial position based on financial health ratios, needs analysis, and dreams feasibilities. Simulate various real-life scenarios over your client's lifetime that could either help or hinder his progress towards achieving his goals, thereby allowing you to formulate strategies for achieving beyond previously imagined and illustrate simple solutions that meet your client's needs and expectations.
Beyond articulating and take steps towards their dreams, Merlin will accompany you and your clients through their personalised roadmap, help you to further their achievements and assist you in managing each and every circumstance effectively.
Because life isn't static. Life changes. And it's important to be prepared for those changes.